Welcome to the PEBABYNET website.
Here you will find valuable information about everything from pregnancy and childbirth education to birth options, post-natal care, breastfeeding and baby wellness.
Upcoming events and dates:
Antenatal classes are now offered both online and in person. Dates for the start of the new classes are currently being finalised and will be post here soon. In the meantime, if you want to book a class, just get in touch at michelle@pebabynet.co.za.
Dates for upcoming Baby Massage and HypnoBirthing classes will also be posted soon.
For more information or to register for a class, email Michelle at michelle@pebabynet.co.za.
Some beautiful birth photos that were shared with us (click here for more):
For more information e-mail Michelle at michelle@pebabynet.co.za or call 0829404200 during office hours.